Below are the stationery lists for all students attending Flagstone State Community College for 2025:
In 2025, Flagstone SCC has partnered with The Study Store to provide our families with an online option to purchase their back-to-school stationery.
Families can purchase their stationery in the following ways:
* Online via The Study Store.
Go to and select Flagstone Community College and the year level in the drop-down list then click to view booklist. Review recommended booklist and adjust quanitity as required, add another booklist if you have additional orders to place. Complete your contact details including mobile phone number to complete order. NOTE: Ordering instructions are also available on the attached documents.
* Print the list and take it to your nearest stationery supplier / department store.
Please note the following additional requirements/information for some Year 11 & 12 subjects:
Specialist Mathematics & Mathematical Methods - The graphing calculator listed on the stationery list can either be borrowed from FSCC Book Hire (included in the student resource scheme) or students can purchase their own.
Certificate I in Construction - students are also required to purchase steel cap safety books, 2 x medium carpenters pencils and a 3 meter (min) measuring tape from their own supplier.
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways - students are also required to purchase the safety kit from the FSCC uniform shop. Students require steel cap safety boots and overalls for this subject (from own supplier).
Industrial Technology Skills - students are also required to purchase the safety kit from the FSCC uniform shop. Students require steel cap safety boots and overalls for this subject (from own supplier).
Note: The items on the stationery lists are not included in the Student Resource Scheme (SRS).